You can ask for the guidance of angel Metatron in any situation just by meditating in a quiet place to clean your mind from emotional stress so that you can raise your energy to receive the messages and guidance from Archangel Metatron. This is somewhat similar to Metatrons work in the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah, where Metatron is on top of the crown and responsible for the flow of creative energy from top to bottom. Then reveal which specific needs around me I can meet in light of those unique qualities in my life. Enjoy it! He can help to Activate your SOUL STAR CHAKRA to its fullest power to help with psychic development. Archangel Metatron is always excited to help those who really want help. Who is Archangel Uriel? We have all been told that knowledge is power. Make some breathing exercises before starting the session. I call upon you now and request your loving guidance for my soul. An invocation is you exerting your spiritual power as a soul in a human body to ask for spiritual assistance, guidance, healing or all of the above. The Angels never explain to me how they help us, just to trust that they have their magical and clever ways of helping our life that are beyond our understanding in a human existence. Say, Dear Archangel Metatron, please use your cube to clear and align my chakras and remove all unwanted energies. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. You are the bravest of souls to be here now at this time. The cube rotates quickly within Metatrons hands almost with an unseen speed. This same process must be applied around the entire design. Now that you have had the opportunity to discover all that Archangel Metatron is capable of, it is time to begin working with him and starting to change your life for the better. If you have been having a hard time finding love, or you cant seem to Is there a special task that we need to complete on earth before being allowed to ascend into Heaven? CHANNELED MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL METATRON. It can be considered a form of communication between two people. When you need to contact Metatron, it is extremely easy. How To Become A Deacon In The Catholic Church. But, is there anySPECIFIC divine protection we can get and angelic cleansing we can perform? Give me the compassion I need for those who have made mistakes so that I can get over my anger at them. This is either a large scroll which contains all the secrets of the universe and divinity, or you will see him holding the Book of Wisdom. You can also chant this or a similar prayer: Archangel Metatron, please take my hand and guide me. There are many things you can make in order to win the battle against your problems. He helps to empower us by bringing forth deep soul information and healing our Akashic Records so we can live our best life. Archangel Metatron is an expert at READING & HEALING our Akashic Records and researching our soul records all the way back to the inception of our soul creation. Enter Your Email Below So You Can Tap Into The Healing Power Of Angels Now! It does not store any personal data. He watches over all things, both in the spiritual and physical realms, and provides guidance and support to those who seek him out.Metatron is also a powerful messenger between Heaven and Earth, so if you have a question or need help, he is the perfect person to turn to. The most important thing is to find an approach that works for you and allows you to communicate with your deity in a personal way. His legends are predominantly found in mystical Kabbalistic texts. He has the human experience to draw upon and is very aware that negative thoughts lead to more, and also to bad decisions. Another common form is by hanging Metatrons Cube on doors and windows to keep out the dark energy so that only positive energy can flow in the house. It is also the Zohar that states that Metatron is the angel who led the Hebrew people traveling to the Promised Land and this makes him the patron guardian angel of children which we will cover later in this article. Now follow these steps: This is your seventh chakra, which lies at the top of your head. Archangel Metatron is ascending my soul right now. WebArchangel Metatron, please help me to manifest God through what I am, to guide me to find my own way, by directing my desires, my thoughts, the deeds to the fulfillment of my personal purpose. Keep taking deep breaths and pulling in the purple light and saying Archangel Metatron with the sound of your voice. He can heal your Akashic Records along with your spirit guides and akashic guides if it is needed. These difficulties can be financial, health, etc. Leader & Protector of our Universe. If you are familiar with the archangels, youve noticed that the name of Archangel Metatron is somewhat different and stands out among the other archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Barachiel, Zadkiel, Raguel. Everything from the solar systems, planets, humans, plants, and atom particles (energy) and all matter are made out of one of the elements from Metatrons Cube. Protect me and cleansing against any dark forces and black energy. Archangel Metatron, Please help me manifest God through Take a deep breathe, In your mind think of Archangel Metatron and his beautiful angelic energy elevating you to a higher dimension, you are lifting up higher and higher into space as you breathe in and out beautiful purple light of Archangel Metatron. Here are suggested prayers you can use and modify to suit your needs. Every one of these 6 spheres will have another sphere of the same diameter extending from it. He has a great love for children and pets and will always go above and beyond to help them, save them, guide them in every possible. What an empowering feeling! Visualize Your Draw my attention to the distinctive ways I can use my strengths to help make this fallen world a better place because I lived here. They are your biggest, you could say, rooting you on for a successful journey and ultimate, n my conversations with Archangel Metatron, he expresses to me how much he loves children. God of my understanding, thank you for sending your messenger, Metatron, to help me in my time of need. Once you have decided on what you want, say your prayer out loud or write it down. You will feel a burning light trespassing your body and soul. Beloved Holy Prayer also has the power to heal physical ailments.The Benefits of Prayer. if you want the assistance from the Angels with your life situations then you have to INVOKE or CALL them to come and support you. Archangel Sandalphon is one of only two Archangels (Metatron was Enoch), who once were human. He truly is one of my favorite Angels to work with. Guide me to organize my life well, so Im setting the best priorities and making decisions that reflect those priorities. Meditation, spiritual communication and soul ascension have become mainstream in our world now for the first time ever! You may wish to pray to Archangel Metatron for several intentions. Does Elevation Church Believe in Speaking in Tongues? We all have a, 7 Ways to Connect to Angels for Help with your Life. Draw my attention to the distinctive ways I can use my strengths to help make this fallen world a better place because I lived here. He is also charged with welcoming those who have died prematurely after birth and also welcomes dead childrens souls before they can incarnate. Archangels might present them in different ways through color (Archangel Raguels aura is blue and white), or via the clouds (Archangel Barachiel of Abundance shows his presence also through clouds), Archangel Metatron shows different signs of his presence in your vicinity. Ask and you will receive our guidance and support. This LIGHT CUBE is the basis of all creation in its purest form and you can use it in for many different spiritual practices listed below. Woke up so anxious an hour ago. Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Metatron. Encourage me to maintain a healthy thought life on a daily basis, so my mind will be clear and able to accurately discern whats true and receive inspiration as God sends me guidance. He knows how to heal and open the crown chakra and soul star chakra so we can embrace the psychic side of our spiritual being. Metatrons Cube is regarded as a powerful symbol for protection against negative energy and dark spirits. This is why you will sometimes hear Archangel Metatron mentioned as being the Heavenly scribe, or the Heavenly lawyer. WebArchangel Metatron Prayer Breathe, direct your awareness inward and speak or think: Beloved Source of All That Is. Archangel Metatron helps the dead as well as the living. Archangel Metatron is revered as one of the most powerful Archangels because he represents the ability that we have to access our spiritual power and achieve ascension into Heaven. Sandalphon was known as the Prophet Elijah and ascended as an Archangel when his time on Earth was finished. To receive the spiritual wisdom of Metatron it is best to clean your mind through meditation so that you can raise your vibrational energy and be able to receive his messages. He is the highest of all angels and is known as the Angel of Gods Presence. Its aim is to understand what they are able to reveal about the universe. This again is a form of Metatrons Cube providing protection and guidance. I declare it, so it is!!!. We have prepared a very special gift for you. Meditation, spiritual communication and soul ascension have become mainstream in our world now for the first time ever! Even animals pray, as evidenced by the numerous examples of animal communication that involve prayer.The purpose of prayer is still a matter of debate among theologians and philosophers. Keep feeling the light of the waterfall trespassing your Crown Chakra, down through your spinal column. Every shape that exists in the universe created by God comes out of Metatrons cube, these forms are the building blocks of all physical matter. Now that you know just how Archangel Metatron can help you, you must learn how to connect with him. I hope that you also choose to allow this, Purple, violet, Fuschia and glowing white & silver, Amethyst, Clear quartz crystal, selenite, rhodonite. We applaud you for your courage and tenacity. He became a divine entity once he arose to heaven. If you dont have them handy, you may always light a white candle. I am honored to be able to work with him daily in my spiritual path and angelic work of helping others. Archangel Metatron is the overseer of your book of life information or your AKASHIC RECORDS. Any person who is looking for spiritual wisdom and esoteric knowledge need only call upon Archangel Metatron at any time, wherever you may be. Please assist me in being in the right places at the right times so that I can meet the right people with whom I can share my life. These are the definite signs you are dealing with a trickster spirit: Trickster spirits are those spirits who appear to be as someone else, trying to get something from you, while making you think you are talking to the Spirit you want to talk. A Spirit that holds power, such is Archangel Metatron, will answer straight away. Give me divine shielding against any threat on the physical plane specially against disease. Praying to the Archangel Jeremiel Scorpio should be wary when looking for advice on carrying out the archangel Jeremiel prayer. Archangels make it possible for souls like you and I to come here and have a human experience while being safe and protected from harm. He is an, He is most known for his connection to Sacred Geometry and his, I have asked Archangel Metatron for some clarity here to really known if its true that he was a human incarnation and he has informed that, In my readings with him I would have to say that he has a way of connecting with others that is just so amazing and deep on a human level and I think this is exactly why. Archangel Metatron has many talents that can support your journey here on earth. BUT YOU HAVE TO CALL & ASK! Have a comfortable place and listen to this audio to raise your vibrations and connect with the Archangels. You are faced with a time of major transformation on planet earth. Deliver the gifs of soul peace and emotional stability. Whenever you see 11:11, it is a clear sign that you are being supported by Metatron. Intuitive nudges, synchronicities, and sudden impulses can be a sign that you are being guided. Do this and you will build a strong foundation to raise your energy vibrations so that you can receive abundance and blessings from the Archangels. Free Personalized Numerology Reading By Clicking Here! Success! The One. Because of this, the Cube is believed to be a strong conductor of energy, capable of attracting positive forces and dissipating negative energies. Then reveal which specific needs around me I can meet in light of those unique qualities in my life. Angel Expert & Channel, Psychic Medium, Author, Soul Ascension & Psychic Development Coach, Energy Healer. Have at least 30 minutes of meditation as silently as possible. IF YOU CALL AN ARCHANGEL, THEY WILL COME! You can see this number in various places, including plates on cars, buses, digital clocks, or clothing such as sports jerseys. Show me how the different parts of my life from my relationships to my work should fit together so that I can live in harmony with God and other people. In various accounts about Metatron, scarcely an angelic duty or function is not related to him. Angel Expert & Channel, Psychic Medium, Soul Ascension & Psychic Development Coach, Energy Healer. Metatron is one of the most powerful Archangels, as he embodies all of our divine abilities and ascension. That was the beginning of my relationship with Archangel Metatron. Your are back now. THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF GAIA & HUMANITY IS RISING! Encourage me to focus on what interests me the most and what I do best. Archangel Metatron helps you to achieve balance in certain aspects of our lives. As Archangel Metatron is also the angel of inspiration and creativity, people who want to feel inspired have an image of Metatrons Cube on their desks or with them so that they can receive the divine energy of Archangel Metatron. If you are someone that pays special attention to visuals, then you can see and feel his presence through Metatron's color which is strong and blinding like a diamond light.