deagel 2025 australia

deagel 2025 australia

Not not mention a biproduct of nuclear energy. I obtained their forecast data before it was taken . We are not being allowed to refinance under the currently severe ECONOMIC CLIMATE CHANGE. by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline: - 'Slow Genocide' Continues To Forced Be Upon Us. Nevertheless Soviet society was more compact and resilient under an authoritarian regime. A global pandemic that America is just fucking up royally. The United States is on a buying ordering spree of large conventional weapons and munitions designed to borrow deep into the earth and destroy things, huge systems to take out entire cities, and a massive construction program for missiles. The casualty figures are gargantuan. And there should be a hard limit on the % you can inflate the currency which should be This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. In the end of the road, one of the scripts youve detailed will materialized. They can physically no longer work. But, make no mistake this has happened before in human history. The projected population for AUS in 2017 is 23mil, in 2025 it is 15mil. Reports. 'We swear by the Southern Cross, to stand truly by each other, and fight to defend our rights and liberties'. The sneaky first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. The corporate mainstream media predictably blamed COVID. The only reason the deaths slowed after May 2021 was because India startedadopting Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine protocols. According to the Deagel forecast, America's population would plummet from just over 310 million in 2017 down to just 99 million by the end of 2025.Western European nations, especially the U.K. and Germany, were forecast to see similarly drastic decreases in population, as were Canada and Australia. They will come in under the pretense of helping to distribute food. Possibly got other crap in them though. $(".wp_accept_pp_button_form_classic").submit(function(e){ Their night out. It doesnt matter what the movie is. But they couldnt (for the life of them) answer why Australia of all places would also have a large die off. Western Europe (not to mention the United States) was never interested in the development of Russia or forming anything other than a master slave relationship with Russia providing raw materials and toeing the line of the West. In 2021, birth rates were the. Deagel, a real intelligence organization for the U.S. government, predicts massive global depopulation (50-80%) by 2025. Archives indicate that the website started with no such forecasts in 2007. A lord of nature weeping to a tree. VIDEO. Ive seen it many years before though, when I researched the NWO. India started injecting its population in January 2021, mostly with the Covishield/AstraZeneca viral vector DNA injections. At least the Oxford/Astra Zeneca one was not a for-profit endeavour, as witnessed by the propaganda campaign against it in the U.S. Deagels report is certainly frightening. .then the mentaly ill driven by Lockdowns. %PDF-1.4 Not only that but many are still in denial, and in a state of ignorant bliss concerning current events. The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. When will the United States issue everyone with 8-track players to listen to when Tiktok is completely banned? They can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) and AztraZeneca vaccines use technology more akin (but not identical) to the dead-virus type, but with major tweaks, which is the best way to explain it. Dont you know. The debt clock at mid-day 20 Jan 2023 was $ 8,793,694,584,359. The countries that will suffer the greatest reduction in population, according to Deagel (as per 2014), are: Thats pretty darn specific. return; Heres a map showing the predictions made in the forecast. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these (Western) countries wont be able to control their very own cities let alone those countries that are far away. Well, you see, perhaps we are all looking at this wrong. I like to revert back to the analysis done by Deagel Corp. in 2014, forecasting massive global population declines out to the year 2025, especially in Western countries. There will be [1] a massive die off of people in America, and Australia. Work will be performed in Newark, Ohio, and is expected to be completed by Sept. 27, 2039. The Western world (success model) has been built over societies with no resilience. 1) The FIRST EVENT is the earthquake in California which will devastate the State. I know you learned something from this experience and will make better, more informed decisions regarding service providers in the future. As will China. If someone is able to access it you should post the link here for others that might not be aware. Crime is open and brazen. I hope that it is not a bad time.. Regardless of any future outcomes, planned or otherwise, my main focus will be on the preservation and continuation of soul. World War = 6% to 9% of the population (World War II). Most of these delusional parents play along with the mainstream narrative and blame anything but the vax, while only a tiny number of parents do the right thing and warn others not to get their children injected. On 4/20/21,, a military intelligence agency, has deleted their mysterious 2025 forecast spreadsheet that predicted a major collapse of the western countries. The site is a grey-web site like MM. something like Oz will have about 100 people in 100yrs..the pillABORTIONHormone disrupters in our foodGays.lesbians.trangendersare not the best breeding stock. In 2021, birth rates were thelowest since World War Iin the U.S., with Russia, China, and all the European countries similarly reporting a dearth of new babies being born. Deceived parents allow their children to be injected multiple times and/or they feed their babies vaxxed breast milk. United Nations (UN) Deagel has gone on the record predicting a 78% population decline in the United States by 2025. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people. Instead they are stronger than the Western powers because they are actually quite homogeneous. The reason is the same old, same old, secure international maritime law, uphold human rights, and secure global democratic values, maintain the American rules based order. @p{H)@ gM%EIeU`lFwe. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. It will be disabled, many hurt, but the ship is not destroyed. You will never make sense of it. The powers-that-be will never report the truth on this, and will do everything to conceal, manipulate and distort the real numbers. Well, if that is so, then if you read the book of revelation, then you know that the real believers will be spared, and the condemned will be the ones who will end up suffering. Deagels founder was a military contractor who had sources well positioned in the deep state. Talk about a television show you used to watch, a movie, a music band, a shared memory and say that you were thinking about them. Which is very strange. Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. if you are old (like me) and your parents and grandparents are gone, then call up a brother, sister or cousin. Mr. Daegel died just before the site was taken offline, and reconfigured with the 2025 forecast removed. This singular deal does many, many dangerous things. And, since Great Britain (UK) would be so seriously destroyed, we must assume that Russia would be involved. It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. adenovirus viral vector types the same as the Russian and Chinese ones? In other words, a lot of people are dying and few are being born., 2. Western European nations, especially the U.K. and Germany, were forecast to see similarly drastic decreases in population, as were Canada and Australia. The Deagel 2025 forecast has disappeared. y6u+ nJv\!K"YtEgVMutnB]\ Because they have two basic disadvantages in their war against humanity. Perhaps they were part of a psychological operation? U.S. birth rates, meanwhile, are in free fall, as are global birth rates. The reason being the new Australia-USA nuclear submarine agreement forged earlier this month. And, it does appear ever 12,000 years the earth takes a roll, sometimes severe, sometime a minor adjustment. The decrease is around 7%. That simple Geo-political change produces the exact same results as described above. From the last 2017 forecast of countries populations, Australia's population at the time was 23 million. Deagel came into focus in 2014 for their list of population reduction predictions in many countries on the planet, with very severe reductions in some countries. Did you notice that China is down also? September 2021 edition, Choppy changes and incredible surprises coming up ahead. People just dont want to face reality, and are hoping that by ignoring what we are facing our problems will go away in time. Western European nations, especially the U.K. and Germany, were forecast to see similarly drastic decreases in population, as were Canada and Australia. The Ronald Reagan, another USS battleship [Aircraft Carrier] will also be hit by enemy fire. After all, a democracy would have the legislature making those decisions, not the Head of State. With resistance came the asking of even younger people to take it. The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. Instead, they figured that it must be a very serious pandemic with some other mystery event that complicated things in a negative manner. But the question remains, what is in that vax? This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 on-wards. They are over and above what one would associate with such things as. Photo below. A Russian sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space asset playing the key role. And in it are elements of the old, some elements regarding the transition, and some elements that look towards the future. If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. Most Western nations will become a Hellish fiasco of zombie movie proportions. endobj And yes. The charts truly show that it is the Chinese and the Russians that will be spared. The debt is severe so multiple actions are being utilized. Western European nations, especially the U.K. and Germany, were forecast to see similarly drastic decreases in population, as were Canada and Australia. Great post. +$hBjE[gHF[,piu{3/=R7Y4\6E"D ]p!#;$b&{{KUWP0:,{rQo#?BE People are going to die. Deceived parents allow their children to be injected multiple times and/or they feed their babies vaxxed breast milk. The United Kingdom has deployed Vanguard-class submarines with American manufactured Trident II nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) leased from the United States under arrangements negotiated with the Reagan administration in 1982. The big war happened in 2019, China won. -"'Q \0 x5B0gy[K(pI xgAs,6 !3N@plPHHw$ }W,NK5atFoX`]N And a new round of COVID is forcing everyone into lock-downs again. You see that Asia is unscathed, while America and the West suffer horribly. Handguns, and weapons are all over America. There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming. Civil war is a form of claiming bankruptcy. Just hours later, at around 6 p.m. on July 6, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. I quote the first paragraph, pay attention to the first line: In a dark time, the eye begins to see, That its the Vaxx thats going to kill all the Christians off, and that it is a master plan by those devious Chinese to steal our precious freedoms and liberties all for Communism! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. He put nukes right in Chinas back yard. 7 0 obj +PKC-@t_A j But its not that far off. Just hours later, at around 6 p.m. on July 6, the Georgia Bureau of Investigationcompletely destroyed the damaged monument. You cant. This is their advantage. 5) The FIFTH EVENT is the bombing of Philadelphia where the City is struck causing great damage and loss of life. Based on historical precedents, and the Deagel predictions, these kinds of numbers and figures can only be associated with an. Population. With reorganization it is hoped the US will be smaller but stronger. Now that Im officially retired, I can spend a bit more of my time continuing to being as resilient as possible. Broken American government systems on all levels. This fact will be borne out in the near future as numerous legal challenges in place now, come to a head soon. This award is the result of a sole source acquisition. I got fucked by AUKUS My story of the AUFUCKUS,, Thats messed up, Bo Chen. Even if I chose to st , The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many, secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes, and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security. Do not get caught up. yep I was aware..Interesting the countries who are down a lot and those that dont change much.. All over the world those figures are projected to be much lower.

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