safeguarding quiz for staff 2021

safeguarding quiz for staff 2021

How can you maintain safeguarding during lockdown? Children's Residential Care and Alternative Provision. MC Education (West Midlands) Ltd. All Rights Reserved. All learning opportunities, including training, team meetings, supervision and handovers, should make use of: E-learning (self-directed by staff) should only be used when face-to-face training (including via video conferencing) led by a trainer is not possible. Helping staff increase their confidence in managing safeguarding concerns. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021, part 1 - assessment. What are the signs and symptoms of sexual abuse? Safeguarding adults Social Care Institute for Excellence. Staff Safeguarding Training Record 2022-2023 . Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a Do you fully understand the schools fire emergency plans? You can also use it to induct new starters throughout the year. Our engaging eLearning course Safeguarding and child protection: the essentialsis ideal for anyone that missed your INSET day. What documents do you use in our setting to record a concern and a childs disclosure? Staff who completed the 'Safeguarding and child protection: the essentials'eLearning course will have taken the same assessment as part of their course. What is personal data? What support do you have in place to deal with these times? The Designated Safeguarding Lead can agree access for staff through the ' Your Setting ' page. What terminology do you know that indicates children's involvement in gangs? PK ! .'Duty of Care' means that anyone who works with children has a duty to protect them from harm and to promote their welfare. Teacher Personality Test: What Is Your Teacher Personality? fTt6p3j&WUCX nU o. What do you know about mental health and children? File type: DOCX. Being open and honest when things go wrong (duty of candour). The scenarios covered in this pack are: Staff can discuss the scenario, what possible concerns they have and the action they'd take. endobj Quizzes for ECTs, DSLs, admin, teachers, governors and leaders. Size: 139.36 KB. Safeguarding and child protection: the essentials 2021/22. Read and understand the homes safeguarding policy and procedure during their induction. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. We have divided the questions into areas covering: Who are these questions for? safeguarding quiz for staff safeguarding quiz for staff 2022 Prevent Duty Poster 5.0 (4 reviews) Pre-Ofsted Checklist 5.0 (5 reviews) CPD: Ofsted Learning Walks in the Early Years (Handout) Safeguarding Display Resource Pack 4.8 (4 reviews) Open-Ended Questions and Prompts to Extend Play Display Poster 4.9 (14 reviews) How often should you refresh your safeguarding training? indicators of individual abuse and neglect (PDF), indicators of organisational abuse and neglect (PDF). Definition of Safeguarding: Online Safeguarding Training Free 2023 Home Child Protection Test 03 Child Protection Test 03 Q:1-Physical abuse may be suggested by one of the following Mark one answer: Bruised knee Bruised cheek Bruised Foot Q:2-Is a reluctance to approach staff more likely to be a sign of Mark one answer: Emotional abuse Sexual abuse Physical abuse Pupil mental health: deepening understandingPupil mental health: anxiety, Pupil mental health: self-harm and suicidal ideationPupil mental health: depression. All those working with children and young people within a school. You work in a school building that dates to the 1950s so there is a risk of the building containing asbestos. Case studies, reflective practice and problem-solving. What is ADHD and what should be done to support children with ADHD? Use this checklist to make sure your staff are totally up-to-speed with their statutory safeguarding obligations throughout the spring term. Request a quote today and see how much you can save. What are the key messages for staff in this important document? How to act in a child's best interests. Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff. Use our elearning course 'Safeguarding and child protection: the essentials 2021/22' to induct new starters at your school. 5.0 (1 review) . Safeguarding and legal principles under the Care Act 2014 and supporting statutory guidance. For staff who don't work directly with children, you can opt to share the new condensed version (annex A in the full version of KCSIE) instead. Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements (EYFS 2021) Changes Safeguarding Training Pathway Template * New * Safeguarding Signs Poster and Handout: Physical Abuse Staff Wellbeing Offloading for Wellbeing Discussing the Link between RSHE and Safeguarding Adult Guidance Staff Policy - Code of Conduct for Childminders Members also searched 3 is PK ! Protecting children from maltreatment 2. Check that staff literacy levels and IT skills mean they can use it effectively. Whole school reporting and the option of individual feedback reports to aid training of your . Safeguarding Quiz 2020-2021 Ring the correct letter(s) or write the answer in the space when directed. GpUX$@5>8LD/%#)%1mz1V%SfT[u=%^j9 }ZrpbTUaX}AmO~Pf/\zs@T\pcSGeC^K -m0`wFV~Y2X`k_.~;p;[]p?Elme.5!ZPFB+xF{:LmuZP E}r._vnT~U5M!`u56k0)$?XlzcrwO1Jv=9V"/$Qc Vyq@ae/r&5~s}~w$s~Vm1Mm+:m%D6.4(Qh#`qtiGx5mhRBQ{5 SSSQ Quizzes - SCHOOL STAFF SAFEGUARDING QUIZ - SSSQ Different quizzes to learn from: free and licensed. Raising safeguarding concerns in the care home and what response to expect. A young person sends you a Facebook request. How to support pupils who may have experienced trauma, Pupil mental health: deepening understanding, Pupil mental health: self-harm and suicidal ideation. 7 Safeguarding Scenarios for Schools and Youth Workers. Premises team, catering staff, leadership, staff with health and safety responsibility (first aiders, fire wardens), staff that have responsibility for pupils with medical needs. True False 2 Current statutory guidance on dealing From See details 7,790 TOP SAFEGUARDING QUIZ FOR STAFF TEACHING RESOURCES Safeguarding children and young people is an ongoing responsibility for all staff working in education and care settings. Q. Asking about abuse and neglect sensitively and in a non-judgemental manner. Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff Royal College of Nursing. Local Government Association with ADASS. Ensuring any agency staff are appropriately trained and understand the local safeguarding policy and procedure. Your email address will not be published. For staff who don't work directly with children, you can opt to share the new condensed version (annex A in the full version of KCSIE) instead. eLearning course will have taken the same assessment as part of their course. An action plan template for people attending safeguarding training to use to demonstrate and measure the impact of their training. who is responsible for safeguarding, who is responsible for developing the safeguarding policy). the police, ambulance and fire departments only. If a child discloses FGM to you, you must A Seek advice from Children's Social Services B Read Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) C Wait to discuss with the Designated Safeguarding Lead before reporting to the police D Refer immediately to . The 6 core principles of safeguarding and the Making Safeguarding Personal framework. Your Local Education Authority Training Courses, Female Genital Mutilation online training course, National Childrens Food Festival Week 2016, Celebrating National Childrens Food Festival 2016, Early Years Mock Ofsted Inspection Booklet. and introduction to safeguarding. Duties under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. Use the following set of questions to test your staff's knowledge on duty of care within your school. Should governors review the Single Central Record? Safeguarding adults means everyone working together to prevent abuse and neglect, while taking into account each persons views, wishes, feelings and beliefs. Ideal for an annual update, Helps remember the complexity of the many. Your school would like to involve the community more and as such have sent out advertisements for volunteers. Examples to illustrate how safeguarding relates to personalised care and human rights. Register now Question 1: What is the name of the document that all staff are expected to have read? Complete mandatory safeguarding training as soon as possible, and within 6 weeks of joining the team. Activities, Resources, Safeguarding, Staff training. What should you do? Quiz, Quiz: Fire Safety Trivia Quiz Questions And Answers, Miter Saw Procedures And Safety Quiz! Helping staff understand the indicators of abuse and neglect so that they can identify safeguarding concerns more accurately. Monthly training resources to use in staff meetings; Reference documents for additional information; Handouts for school staff summarising each topic; Quiz/scenarios to test staff understanding. Changes in the 2022 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. A major issue identified in KCSIE - give your staff some tips on background information. Child welfare and well-being is a priority and fast responses and early intervention are critical to outcomes. You have a pupil in your class that has recently been diagnosed with epilepsy. Our online learning service contains all you need to train staff on Safeguarding, Compliance, Wellbeing and Health & Safety. Give your staff the opportunity to put what they learned on INSET day into practice with the safeguarding scenarios below. Weveupdatedour content to reflectKeeping Children Safe in Education 2021. The tool will also help to identify areas for development and support you in making any changes necessary. Andrew Hall Follow Specialist Safeguarding Consultant at Success In Schools Ltd. Advertisement Advertisement Recommended Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021) - sections relevant to your role. You can also use it to plan specific training to align with upcoming safeguarding awareness days. Where in your nursery would you go to find more information on safeguarding children? It could cover: Training needs to make a difference to the understanding, confidence and competence of staff. 2006 2017 A Protecting Children from Abuse B Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2020 Part 1, Part 5 and Annex C Working Together to Protect Children Question 3. Q. Safeguarding is the responsibility of the managers within an Early Years Setting. Service provider: The Key Support Services Limited, The Key Support Services Limited, 2007 - 2023. What is the Department for Educations document Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)? Safeguarding is the responsibility of school teachers and social care staff only. In 2 to 2.5 hours, staff will learn: What safeguarding is and why it's important. Participants will be required to pass anassessment at the end. answer choices. It is advised that they refresh this training every three years. About Us; Media; Partnerships; The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Staff who completed the 'Safeguarding and child protection: the essentials'. If youd like to find out more about joining, simply click below. (EYFS 2021) Changes . 45 seconds. Specific safeguarding responsibilities and accountabilities for all staff in the care home. A relevant quiz about this key document 'Sexual Violence and Harassment in Schools & Colleges' prioritised as a result of OFSTED's review in 2021. Less obvious indicators and more complex safeguarding concerns. Use the following set of questions to test your staffs knowledge on duty of care within your school. View our factsheets and briefingsView our eLearning library. In accordance with your school policy what should you do? Child welfare and well-being is a priority and fast responses and early intervention are critical to outcomes. Assess what changes it has prompted through regular supervision sessions as well as annually during appraisals. What is your understanding of peer-on-peer abuse? Friends of the child do not know where they are and have not seen them over the holiday period. What does your school do to create a culture where peer-on-peer abuse is not accepted? about Celebrations in the town of Halstead, about New 24hr nursery opens in Edgbaston, about More attention needed for the benefits of Music, about The importance of language development, More attention needed for the benefits of Music. p+~s9)a 7]TPK '+R8>Z3yX??r6l8Zl :fxULF 5LzP#B0Z 3 How does the admin use the analysis tool? MC Education (West Midlands) Ltd. All Rights Reserved. <> Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021 Quiz Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 Quiz Staff should complete the quiz having read 'Part One:. Do you feel confident in supporting the child? As a minimum, mandatory training should include: Training should be ongoing, building on content covered in the mandatory course. Would you speak to the childs parents if you suspected sexual abuse. function timestamp() { var response = document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response"); if (response == null || response.value.trim() == "") {var elems = JSON.parse(document.getElementsByName("captcha_settings")[0].value);elems["ts"] = JSON.stringify(new Date().getTime());document.getElementsByName("captcha_settings")[0].value = JSON.stringify(elems); } } setInterval(timestamp, 500); EduCare, Suites 11-16, Pure Offices, Plato Close, Tachbrook Park, Leamington Spa, CV34 6WE, All data will be held in accordance with our. If you are an eLearning administrator you will still be able to view your staff results and download certificates. As someone that works with children which sections must you read and understand? Thisquiz gives you a sample of free questions that develops further understanding of Part One. All rights reserved. Trivia, International Patient Safety Goals Quiz Questions And Answers, Fire Safety Training Quiz Questions And Answers. Test staff knowledge and understanding of KCSIE part 1 with our assessment. Quizzes last 10 to 15 minutes. Download. Can you employ a teacher with a paper driving licence. The following quiz contains basic safeguarding questions from its definition to its cultural aspect. P reventing the impairment of children's mental and physical. Two quizzes perfect for September - true or false and checks out. Over the summer holiday, a pupils parent passed away. The first table lists the quizzes that are free. What action should you take in the event of a fire. You have had no notification from the parents. Are you a member of The Key Safeguarding? Safeguarding Quiz App 4 Schools & ITT (@safeguardquiz) June 17, 2021 Half-termly discounts & updates sign up. n[ n [Content_Types].xml ( Mo0]Xi7=v*h$mh+1.z1|G`1{k[I{Wr everyone. A pupil comes to you and tells that they have been self-harming. How is personal data used in your school and how is it protected by all staff? <>>> Please note, the questions in this assessment are the same as the questions in the assessment at the end of the 'Safeguarding and child protection: the essentials' eLearning. What are the signs and symptoms of neglect? endobj Each one tests staff on how to handle a safeguarding situation as well as checking their knowledge of your procedures. za}9b PK ! Staff results will feed into yourtraining dashboard. x]>UQJehIrk)gWCO-9&{_n"C;w[ tFw)*^wEYV +TEU2^Vh$+=y'7w 6]oOW=}_GIYMSar_'7/+++Yy^ There are two quizzes on 2022 changes - 1 for staff and 1 for leaders. What does your school policy say about receiving gifts? Care and support statutory guidance Department of Health and Social Care. Who is responsible for what roles in the setting (e.g. The parent regularly helped with the football team. 4 0 obj Looking for further safeguarding resources and training? Safeguarding means protecting children from abuse or harm from various types of abuse e.g. Is it up to date? 5 April 2021. , By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Making Safeguarding Personal: what might good look like for health and social care commissioners and providers? We have divided the questions into areas covering: Safeguarding Compliance Wellbeing Health and Safety Test safeguarding knowledge Some tips. Record evidence of staff's understanding of KCSIE part 1 by downloading their results from the 10-questionassessment below. Provides information and knowledge about this key topic, Previous key changes - 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018. This content has been co-produced by NICE and SCIE and is based on NICEs guideline on safeguarding adults in care homes. You are concerned about a member of staffs mental health. It is important to continually assess staff knowledge and check compliance with legislation and statutory guidance. 1 0 obj Last downloaded on. INSET presentation, fully updated in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022. Gangs, lunchtimes, annual refresher, scenarios, OFSTED & more. Staff described how security were called to his behaviour on five separate occasions and how one nurse raised concerns about his aggression in an incident form in December 2021 after he had . True. Copy the link below to send the assessment to your staff. Safeguarding Training Pathway Template . It's fully up to date and compliant with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021. 2. quiztakes the knowledge required to the next level for admin staff. Do you have a bereavement policy in place? focuses on what a governor needs to know to undertake their role correctly. Children should be encouraged and supported to self-manage their medication wherever possible. Membership. What checks should you do with volunteers? Safeguarding Adults Quiz Answers 1 Rigid routines and regimes (in a care home, for example) are an example of organsiational abuse. Registration Number: 02017289. Delivery method: Face-to-face or remotely, Topics covered: Latest updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education part 1 Tackling sexism and sexual harassment in your school, Contents: An adaptable presentation, facilitator notes, staff activities, staff handouts and remote delivery guidance. > Scenarios to test staff knowledge of your safeguarding procedures . Suitable for: All staff, Topics covered: Latest updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education part 1, Session length: 1 hour. KCSiE2022 quiz answers Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2022 Follow up quiz for school staff Question Answer 1 Who has responsibility for safeguarding in your school? . We are currently updating this course so it will be unavailable for a short time. A child gives you a gift from their holiday. Or, use the elearning to refresh staff's safeguarding knowledge during . Their results can be found below. This questionnaire will test knowledge in relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults and is suitable for anyone who comes into contact with vulnerable adults during work, voluntary or leisure activities. Emotional abuse scenarioNeglect scenario, Physical abuse scenarioSexual abuse scenario, Disclosures scenarioDomestic abuse scenario, Sharing nudes and semi-nudes scenarioPeer-on-peer abuse scenario. Education Keeping Children Safe in Education says that all staff should have read Part 1. %PDF-1.5 Applies to the day-to-day role and responsibilities of the person being trained, and the care and support needs of the people they are working with. stream Safeguarding children and young people is an ongoing responsibility for all staff working in education and care settings. Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong To. What to do if a child / young person discloses, What to do if you have a concern about a colleague. What are the signs and symptoms of physical abuse? We've created a copy of this guide that you can print and share: Good practice in safeguarding training (PDF). more information Accept. Quiz: Which Premier League Team Should I Support? Log in. Remember every question has the answer elaborated on. Membership is 99+VAT a term for the whole school and includes our Keeping Children Safe in Education audit tool, together with . What policy in the nursery would you refer to if you witnessed a colleague acting in an appropriate manner? It is an Ofsted requirement that all employees who are in contact with children receive safeguarding training. Browse and download our ready-maderesources below: Pupil mental healthHow to support pupils who may have experienced trauma. Making Safeguarding Personal: what might good look like for health and social care commissioners and providers? Working Together to Safeguard Children - 2020 changes (46). Do you know what support is available locally and nationally? What is your schools policy on the use of reasonable force? It's World Mental Health Day on 10 October, and Anti-Bullying Week is on 15 to 19 November.

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